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Workers and employees of our National Health Service receive discount on a whole multitude of products, services, restaurants and more.

I’ve worked in gyms that discount monthly memberships, visited restaurants that reduce food bills and taken trips to theme parks that offer half price entry fees.

Nurses, doctors, paramedics, surgeons, midwives, mental health workers, physiotherapists, receptionists, dentists, and call handlers…just to name a few, spend every single working day and night working towards a single goal: keeping an over-populated, ever consuming, increasingly needy country alive, safe and well.  Not only are their lives dedicated to the wellness of others, but they are all forced to keep fighting against the grain of a government constantly making cuts, reducing resources, increasing working hours and holding out on pay rises.

Every day I am humbled by the perseverance and incredible work of the NHS workers, despite the lack of credit and support they get.

As a nod, and thank you to the staff of the NHS, I too, offer discount to the NHS staff.

I haven’t met a nurse without sore shoulders, a paramedic without a sore back, a receptionist that doesn’t suffer tension headaches, or a dentist without a tight neck yet…if this sounds like you – get in touch! Pain isn’t normal.